The target of the external relations portfolio is to build on community and local government relationships whilst being the advocate for kiwifruit growers on wider issues such as health and safety and resource management.
MPI has different schemes and ongoing projects set up to help provide support to those in primary industries, including horticulture. Some slides have been put together to provide information to individuals and groups in the kiwifruit industry on the many different options available to them through MPI. You can access these slides here.
All information has been collected from the MPI funding and rural support website There are several other funded programmes under MPI and MfE that have closed or are in the process of being reassessed.
Caravans/mobile homes and tiny houses can be used to accommodate seasonal workers throughout the western bay of plenty district. There are a number of rules that need to be met under the District Plan. You can read more about the rules here.
The use of frost fans is important when it comes to protecting crops from frost damage which can cause reduced yield and loss of revenue. The fans use the warmer air in the inversion layer (which can generally be found from 10-50 metres above the ground.) by angling the blade slightly downwards to pull the inversion layer down to ground level and blow it into the orchard or vineyard. Frost fans are turned on before a frost occurs, usually 0.5 to 1.5°C above freezing. Frost fans are subject to rules within district plans which can be found here.
Audible bird scaring devices can cause distress to neighbours if operated outside of noise rules. To help with the safe and compliant operation with these devices, NZKGI has compiled a fact sheet which contains the rules for each kiwifruit growing region. These rules are effective from September 2020 and can be found here.
NZKGI (along with HortNZ) have provided some guidance on artificial crop protection structures and shelter belts that can help with decision making on your orchard. You can see the guidance material here or alternatively contact NZKGI’s Senior Policy Advisors:
Kathy –
Abby –