Health & Safety / Tractor Safety on Roads
Tractor Safety on Roads
Below are some important reminders that you should be aware of when operating a tractor on a road:
- When driving a tractor on the road do not impede the normal flow of traffic, signal, pull over and stop to let traffic pass at earliest opportunity.
- Tractors used on roads need to be registered and those operated at over 40km/h are required to have a warrant of fitness.
- Drivers are required to hold a class 1 restricted licence if the tractor does not exceed 4500kg and 40km/h on the road. A class 1 full licence is required for heavier vehicles travelling under 40km/h and full licence with endorsements for the operation of larger tractors at higher speeds.
- Amber beacons must be fitted to agricultural motor vehicles registered after 1 June 2013 (to be visible for up to 100m) however it is recommended that they are fitted to all agricultural tractors and machines.
- Agricultural trailers operated during the hours of darkness require at least one red rear position lamp and amber beacons may also need to be fitted.
- Pilot vehicles are required for vehicles exceeding 3.1 metres wide and 40km/h or 3.1 metres wide and during hours of darkness regardless of speed. It may be best practise to utilise a pilot vehicle regardless of your tractor size during busy periods.
For more information regarding the use of agricultural vehicles on roads click here.
You can find the WorkSafe Tractor Safety fact sheet here