Waiari Water Supply Scheme Update
Construction Update: Intake and Plant Site Access Roads between Te Matai Road and No1 Road
The following information has been communicated to NZKGI from the Tauranga City Council.
Upcoming activities planned by HEB Construction
- The construction team were back 7th January 2019. No major disturbances were noted, even after the rainfall we experienced around Christmas time.
- Piling has started for the wall shear piles – this will continue over the coming months
- Soil nailing is continuing for the next two – three weeks
- Sheet piling on the river works commenced 15th January
- Earthworks on the access track are progressing
Pipeline Tender and Construction
Following market feedback, TCC has made the decision to split the project into three different contracts:-
- No 1 Road and across to Landscape Road
- Private Farm Properties across Te Puke Highway to Poplar Lane
- Poplar Lane to Welcome Bay Road.
TCC has listened to the concerns within the larger Te Puke community regarding the effect of the pipeline construction on temporary flow of traffic in the area. TCC has reviewed the design process for the No 1 Road section of the pipeline in conjunction with WBoPDC and are investigating the possibility of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). This will minimize the traffic and road disturbance to No 1 Road.
Work on this section of the pipeline is expressly planned to begin after the 2019 kiwifruit picking season is complete.
All traffic management conditions are being reviewed and signed off by Westlink and Western Bay of Plenty District Council prior to commencement of physical works.
This change in approach is not expected to delay the opening of the Waiāri Water Supply Scheme in late 2021.
Makahae Marae DIY
Makahae Marae are into year three of their five year plan and have been saving hard with their building fund. They are making some big changes in 2019. First up was the roof of the whare kai which was replaced over the Christmas period and working with WBOPDC on infrastructure issues.
Coming up next, Māori TV will be filming Marae DIY at Makahae Marae 14-17 February with many Tapuika locals and tangata whenua returning to help transform the Marae.
Plans over the four days filming include:-
- Rebuilding the driveway
- Laying concrete
- Landscaping
- Painting
- Kitchen renovations
- External work on the main wharenui
Many local companies and organisations are helping out with materials, labour, planning, kai etc, including HEB Construction who are working on the intake and plant access roads for the Waiāri. We will have some information available and be on site to answer any questions about the Waiari Water Supply Project. If you are interested in being part of this exciting event, then please contact Darlene Dinsdale, Cultural Co-ordinator Infrastructure Delivery: Darlene.dinsdale@tauranga.govt.nz.
Other projects to be completed over the next two years include the roof of the wharenui and the ablution block.
Here are a couple of the most common questions and answers, some of these are not related directly to the Waiāri Water Supply Scheme, however we appreciate working with Western Bay of Plenty District Council to deliver all the information required by the public and residents. We will include more questions and answers in future issues.
What is the footprint of the water plant going to look like?
The footprint of the water plant that will be constructed off No.1 Road will be similar to that of the current water treatment plant on Oropi Road.
It will include a processing system to filter and clean the water with staff onsite to oversee operations. However due to the technology we will be using, the main operations and processing can be monitored remotely.
You can view more information on this process here: Tauranga water supply and treatment
Does Tauranga City Council need more water?
The answer is yes. The whole of the Bay of Plenty is experiencing growth. This project is to enable future proofing and developing infrastructure for not only Tauranga City Council but also Western Bay of Plenty District Council. A water resource consent was granted to TCC and WBOPDC in 2010 for 60,000m3 per day, split 45,000 to Tauranga and 15,000 to WBOPDC, with the project phasing starting with 15,000m3 per day, upgraded to 30,000m3per day, and a final stage upgrade to 60,000m3per day.
For the first time in over 18 years Tauranga City Council had to impose water restrictions in the summer of 2018 and again late January 2019. If for any reason a natural disaster occurred or a break in the water supply it is important for the whole district to have some resilience for water due to it being such a precious resource.
We also have this precious resource situation in Western Bay, Te Puke and surrounding districts,. This has now resulted in a water conservation meter to being installed in town.
For example, after just 5mm of rainfall, water consumption drops from 50 million cubic litres a day to 40 million cubic meters. So you can easily see the preservation of our water supply especially over the hotter months is incredibly crucial for all residents.
- If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- We’ll update you regularly on the progress of the works. If there is anyone else you think should be included in these updates, please let us know Jennifer.pearson@tauranga.govt.nz, so we can keep them updated via email or phone 07 577 7000.
You can also find more information at www.tauranga.govt.nz/waiari