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Latest News / Green Grower Profitability Symposia

Green Grower Profitability Symposia

Green Grower Profitability Symposia

In NZKGI Grower consultations and the NZKGI Weekly Update newsletter, there has been discussion about many Green Growers feeling that they are disadvantaged over Gold Growers – especially smaller, low yielding Green Growers struggling to make good returns in comparison to Gold Growers who often have a higher OGR. The reasons for feeling disadvantaged seem to run across the whole supply chain with gold orchards argued to get first preference for orchard work, post-harvest allegedly preferring to work with Gold over Green and a perception of Green being incorrectly priced and promoted in market.

Over the last few months NZKGI has gone out to Green Growers to collect their concerns relating to the above and a project has been undertaken to analyse quantitative evidence to gain a more thorough understanding on this topic for these growers. Now it is time for growers to hear the answers to these questions. The aim is to give Green Growers a more in-depth understanding to make more informed decisions about their businesses. These answers will be presented in a symposium, one in Te Puke and another in Katikati. The Te Puke symposium will also be live-streamed to growers who can’t attend in person. Growers attending the live stream will also have the opportunity to ask questions at the symposium. The format for the symposium will include:

  • A Q&A session by Zespri covering off questions placed by Green Growers on the profitability of Zespri performance
  • A presentation on post harvest management of the Green category
  • A presentation by KNZ on the performance of collaborative marketing
  • A panel discussion by Green Growers on issues affecting on-orchard profitability

There are several opportunities to join a symposium.

Attend in person (RSVP required):

Te Puke: Wednesday, 8 November. 8:30am – 1pm at The Orchard Church, 20 MacLoughlin Drive.

Katikati: Thursday, 9 November. 8:30am – 1pm at The Lounge at the Katikati Memorial Hall.

Attend online (RSVP required): Wednesday, 8 November. 8:30am – 1pm.

The advantage of attending in-person or online is that you will have the ability to ask questions to our presenters and panellists. To RSVP, simply send an email to stating if you will attend the Te Puke, Katikati or online event. For those who cannot attend in-person or online on these dates, a recording of the Te Puke event will be made available on the Canopy. I strongly encourage all Green Growers to attend a symposium to gain more certainty about the future of the green category.

RSVP via email stating if you will attend the Te Puke, Katikati or online event to