It is estimated the industry will need another 2,000 permanent employees and 4,000 seasonal employees within the next few years. This future growth is dependent on the ability to attract and retain young people who are highly skilled and enthusiastic and develop them to become our industry’s future leaders.


Bay of Plenty Labour Governance Group

NZKGI Coordinate the Bay of Plenty Labour Governance Group whose members include anyone with a labour interest including but not limited to members of post-harvest operations, orchard management companies, kiwifruit growers and contractors.  Representatives from Government departments, Councils and other agencies that have an interest can also be members.  If you are interested in joining the group, please email us.

The organisational structure is three-tiered, made up of the Strategy Group, Working Groups, and Governance Group.  The Strategy Group will lead the development of the work programme for the following working groups:

National Labour Governance Group

NZKGI are a member of the National Horticulture and Viticulture Steering Group and attends these meeting on behalf of the Kiwifruit Industry.  Other members of this group include representatives from HortNZ, Wine New Zealand, Apples & Pears New Zealand, MSD and MBIE.