NZKGI Industry and Stability Portfolio
Our Purpose
Through the Industry Stability portfolio, NZKGI supports the marketing structure of the Single Point of Entry (SPE) as requested by the vast majority of New Zealand kiwifruit Growers. The portfolio does this by developing strong relationships with Government, industry and international counterparts while identifying and mitigating threats.
Here are some of the portfolio highlights and achievements from recent years:
Levy Supported
In February 2017, New Zealand kiwifruit Growers voted in strong support for the continuation of the commodity levy that is in place to fund NZKGI. In total, 87% of Growers and 85% of production voted to support the ongoing funding for NZKGI. The overwhelming recommendation showed just how the work NZKGI does is backed by the industry.
Māori Forum
The Kiwifruit Industry Strategy Project (KISP) process identified the importance of representation from across the industry. As a result, a Maori representative was included in the new Forum structure. NZKGI works to ensure the Maori representative is well supported by Iwi groups from across the country and can provide a Maori perspective to discussions.
In June 2017, NZKGI celebrated the launch of Māori Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (MKGI). NZKGI has built a strong, ongoing relationship with the highly qualified representatives of the MKGI since its establishment.
International Grower Relations
NZKGI continues to build relationships with Growers in other kiwifruit producing countries. The 2020 International Kiwifruit Organisation (IKO) was the first fully virtual event and was an opportunity to meet with representatives from the Northern Hemisphere to discuss global supply, fruit production within the Northern Hemisphere, as well as how Growers are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This was also a chance to meet with representatives to discuss changes to the future structure of IKO, as well as services that are delivered to members.
Government Relations
NZKGI’s relationships continue to strengthen with central Government ministers and officials who have a direct impact on the industry. Discussions on issues affecting Growers have been held with the following in the last year, as they have for the many years prior, demonstrating the portfolio’s commitment to SPE:
— Prime Minister Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
— Finance Minister Hon Grant Robertson
— Biosecurity and Agriculture Minister Hon Damien O’Connor
— Regional Development Minister Hon Stuart Nash
— Employment Minister Hon Carmel Sepuloni
— Immigration Minister Hon Kris Faafoi
— Officials from Ministry of Social Development, Immigration New Zealand, Ministry for Primary Industries and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Kiwifruit Industry Strategy Project (KISP)
The KISP vote was held in 2015 with the outcomes supported by Growers. These have included updates to the Kiwifruit Regulations, new methodology for calculating Zespri’s margin, the establishment of Key Performance Indicators for Zespri, the amendment of the Kiwifruit Regulations and subsequent amendment to Zespri’s constitution.
NZKGI now focuses on ensuring all outcomes remain fit for purpose, specifically focusing on the revised margin methodology and monitoring Zespri Key Performance Indicators.