RSE worker information under Level 4
RSE workers are deemed as essential workers. For those employers who have previously had RSE workers through various lockdowns, our expectation is you already have protocols around how to keep workers in their respective bubbles to reduce health risks.
Immigration officials are currently in talks around standing up the arrangements during the previous Level 4 and 3 lockdowns. Further information will be provided as soon as protocols are confirmed.
In the meantime, if employers have already made plans for workers to travel within the next 3 to 7 days, you will need to prepare and complete the following:
- Travel plan setting out when the workers will be travelling and location
- A COVID-19 appropriate accommodation plan that meets Ministry of Health guidelines.
- That includes how the workers will be isolated from other groups, travel as a group “bubble” and the bubble is maintained at the new accommodation.
(Shared accommodation such as backpackers/motels/camps that have non-RSE people staying are not likely to be approved unless the accommodation has put measures in place.)
- A COVID-19 appropriate travel plan that meets Ministry of Health guidelines.
- This should outline how the workers will travel as a “bubble” and maintain that bubble throughout the travel. Vans, private buses, charter flights are all appropriate.
(It is up to the employer to provide any Protective gear).
The employer is wholly responsible for the arrangement and safety of their employees while in transit.
Your regional RSE Relationship Manager is currently requesting this information from you, it is important to let them know if you require workers to shift to a different region over the next 3 to 7 days.