Simon Cook’s Nuffield Thoughts: Part 9
Banana Panama – Queensland The final visit of my Nuffield was to tropical North Queensland. I had headed to Queensland to look at Tropical race 4 or TR4. TR4 is […]
Banana Panama – Queensland The final visit of my Nuffield was to tropical North Queensland. I had headed to Queensland to look at Tropical race 4 or TR4. TR4 is […]
Chile Very early on I made the decision that I wanted to include Chile in the list of countries that I visited as part of my travels. Obviously as the […]
BMSB and Spotted Lanternfly After leaving Florida I flew North to Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, my final stop before heading home. I hired a car, and yes, I did drive around […]
As the rest of the group I had been travelling for 6 weeks with departed, I stayed in Alabama to begin the next phase of my Nuffield experience. The third […]
Our GFP in the US was broken into two segments, the first was a 2 day visit to Washington DC to give us some context on politics in the US. […]
After the heat of India and the Middle East it was refreshing to touch down back in Paris to mid 20 temperatures. I had passed through Paris in March on […]
After the heat of India things only stepped up as we arrived in Dubai to spend 4 days exploring the United Arab Emirates. We arrived to clear blue sky’s and temperatures […]
The second core component of our Nuffield experience is the Global Focus Program or GFP. The GFP is a 6 week 6-7 nation intensive tour with a group of around […]
NZKGI Forum and & Executive Committee member Simon Cook has embarked on his Global Focus Program which is the second of the three core components that make up his Nuffield […]